...m-am obisnuit sa impart cuvintele cu tine, sa iti impartasesc tot...blogul asta chiar daca va deveni doar un dialog al meu cu gandurile mele, tot va continua sa existe...in speranta, ca iti vei face timp sa il citesti, chiar daca nu mai stiu aproape nimic de tine...
...mai jos, cateva franturi din filmul vazut azi, numit “Departe de ea”
“Mã gândesc cã nu stii niciodatã cum se vor sfârsi lucrurile. Aproape cã stii...dar nu poti fi niciodatã sigur.”
“-Mã gândesc cã uneori trebuie sã iei decizia sã fii fericit. Sã decizi. Lucrurile nu sunt întotdeauna asa cum sperai sã fie. Niciodatã, pentru nimeni. Singurul lucru care deosebeste un gen de persoanã de o alta e cã sunt unii care rãmân furiosi si mai sunt unii care...acceptã ceea ce le iese în cale.
-Si care gen de persoanã esti tu?
-Am fost destul de furioasã. Dar acum...uitându-mã la ce mi-a iesit în cale, adica la tine...cred cã as putea fi celãlalt gen de persoanã.”
“Nu e niciodatã prea târziu sã devii ceea ce ai fi putut deveni."
luni, 5 mai 2008
De la tine pentru mine...
Vreau sa imi dedici urmatoarea melodie...
I won't be here when you come home
I'm sorry if you don't understand, forgive me if you can
but I can see another road
and I ain't coming back
Don't look for me around this town
'cause I will be so far away, you'll never find me anywhere
and I won't take no souvenirs
no perfumed picture promises
because it's over
and I ain't coming back
You gave me everything
and now I'm breaking your heart
you know that I don't mean
to tear your world apart
I would never leave if I thought you couldn't stand the pain
a letter in the hall
is written on the wall
a letter with no words of love at all
because it's over (because it's over)
and I ain't coming back
And as I close the door
I know I'm breaking your heart
I should have loved you more
instead I've torn your world apart
And as I walk into the lonely afternoon
I feel sad enough
I feel bad enough
and all the times when you are lonely where you are
please don't hate me then
I just could not pretend oh no
Feel the tears
I can feel the tears
running through the years
I won't be here when you come home
I'm sorry if you don't understand, forgive me if you can
but I can see another road
and I ain't coming back
Don't look for me around this town
'cause I will be so far away, you'll never find me anywhere
and I won't take no souvenirs
no perfumed picture promises
because it's over
and I ain't coming back
You gave me everything
and now I'm breaking your heart
you know that I don't mean
to tear your world apart
I would never leave if I thought you couldn't stand the pain
a letter in the hall
is written on the wall
a letter with no words of love at all
because it's over (because it's over)
and I ain't coming back
And as I close the door
I know I'm breaking your heart
I should have loved you more
instead I've torn your world apart
And as I walk into the lonely afternoon
I feel sad enough
I feel bad enough
and all the times when you are lonely where you are
please don't hate me then
I just could not pretend oh no
Feel the tears
I can feel the tears
running through the years
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