...nu stiu ce va fi azi...sunt atat de relaxat pentru realizarile din jumatatea de an care tocmai a trecut, incat nu mai imi pasa de nimic...am doar o stare de nervozitate (reiese clar din tremuratul picioarelor), incat sunt clipe in dimineata asta cand imi doresc sa nu revina ingerasul meu azi...
...nu stiu ce se intampla in gandurile mele...oare m-am obisnuit sa ii marturisesc dragostea in fiecare zi fara a astepta nimic in schimb? oare cand va reveni, voi astepta de la ea ganduri de dor sau de dragoste si voi fi din nou pierdut si trist?
...stiu doar ca in fiecare zi cand ii scriam, ma asteptam sa simta cuvintele mele, sa patrunda tainele de neinteles ale sufletului meu si sa gandeasca la fel...si ma simteam bine, cu ea aproape si totusi departe...acum se va schimba din nou ceva...
...trebuie sa imi stapanesc iubirea, sa nu i-o mai marturisesc, desi nu pot sa nu o mai iubesc si azi...
Postcards and letters
And pictures made to last forever
To be boxed up and tossed away
Knickknacks and souvenirs
In an afternoon, they're out of here
They'll disappear without a trace
But what they mean to me
Can never be replaced
I can't unthink about you
I can't unfeel your touch
I can't unhear all the words
Unsay all the things
That used to mean so much
I wish I could unremember
Everything my heart's been through
I'm finding out it's impossible to do
Oh, it's no use
I can't unlove you
Intestates and old songs
Like time they go on and on
I guess I could learn to do the same
I could wake up without you
These two arms not around you
Tell myself it's meant to be this way
No matter how I try somethings I can't change
I can't unthink about you
I can't unfeel your touch
I can't unhear all the words
Unsay all the things
That used to mean so much
I wish I could unremember
Everything my heart's been through
I'm finding out it's impossible to do
Oh, oh
Oh, it's no use
I can't unlove you
I wish I could unremember
Everything my heart's been through
And finding out it's impossible to do
Oh, oh, it's no use
I can't unlove you
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